Doing the Good Work - thank you for the space to share!

This is a shoutout for the Good Work Institute… and the opportunity to write this piece for their Illumination blog.

For those of you not acquainted with the Good Work Institute, they are thoroughly awesome and a beacon of light in these times of kerfuffle.

After you read the article you might want to know where things are (those of you who have been following my health adventure)… to that question, I do not have an answer. We are in the collecting information phase.

I can tell you this. As I participate (because listen does not really cover the focus and attention I am giving to the process) to Joe Dispenza’s latest meditation from Marco Island, I am feeling more and more imaginal.

The darkness of winter and the layers of clothing feel very much like I am in a chrysalis… and it is the imaginal cells of the caterpillar that literally turn to mush in order to create the butterfly.

As in the imaginal cells of the butterfly, I don’t know what is going on with this world right now… but I have to trust that we are collapsing in order to expand, breaking in order to rebuild, shattering in order to forge.

I am excited to see what happens next.