Give World Peace a Hop

I started practicing Transcendental Meditation in 2007. Over the years I have more or less consistent in my twice a day practice depending on hospital doings and the age of my children.

When I received my mantra I also learned about the TM-Sidhi program. It is the pinnacle of a series of advanced TM techniques - culminating in the practitioners being able to do yogic flying. A whole group of Sidhas flying together has been proved to increase coherence for the society at large.* This coherence creating effect is called the Maharishi Effect.

So it is a two-fer. I get to replug myself daily, swim in the world of Pure Consciousness, and do yogic flying. Secondly, if I do my program with a group - we are creating peace for everyone around us.

First, yogic flying. As a friend asked me recently, “Is it painful to land?”

Such a great question - and yes, you need padding. Note the mattresses in this video of yogic flying from Holland.

Okay, so, yogic flying might be a bit of a misnomer for now. But we all have to crawl before we can run.

Now, onto giving world peace a hop. “Generally, the Maharishi Effect may be defined as the influence of coherence and positivity in the social and natural environment generated by the practice of the TM and TM-Sidhi programs.”

In other words, there have been many peer-reviewed studies showing that having the square root of 1% of the population of an area/country/region reduces infant mortality, drug related deaths, vehicle fatalities, rape, assault, murder, and robbery. A recent study entitled: “Field-Effects of Consciousness: A Seventeen-Year Study of the Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programs on Reducing National Stress in the United States,”describes this phenomena in full detail. Here is a simple graph to whet your appetite to read the full study.

A group of 1700 dedicated TM-Sidhi practitioners from 2007-2011 were able to significantly reduce the stress of the entire country. That small group’s attention on the Consciousness of America was able to reverberate beyond just those practicing. The whole society benefited. Babies were born healthy. Drug deaths were reduced. Women weren’t raped.

It sounds insane and nutso. I get it. And yet, electrons are both waves and particles. There is mystery in this world. I know for sure that I do not understand the big picture or what humans are capable of doing with our underutilized brains.

And so, every day I hop - and hope.

Give World Peace a Hop.

*A Course in Miracles (#49): “God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day,” has been my anthem for these past few months. It is one thing to hear the nudges of inspiration, the bees in one’s bonnet - it is entirely different to resolve to act upon those nudges of inspiration. But when the Voice nudges you to behave, speak, act, interject in a way that feels uncomfortable, awkward, societally odd - that is when the rubber hits the road. This feels like one of those times.