A Time to Cocoon

A Time to Cocoon

One of the things I adore about meditation retreats are the blunt conversations one has with strangers. For a stint of a weekend/five days/two weeks a group of strangers are thrown together without any historical baggage or expectations of future interactions. It lends itself to very honest conversations.

Like the one I had at the end of our stint in India for the 10,000 Course for World Peace. We were checking in to the hotel in anticipation for our 4 am departure the next morning back our own beds.

“Are you insane? Why did you bring your kids?” Identical badges hung around our necks.

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Thoughts on the Ego, Time, and Global North conditioning

Thoughts on the Ego, Time, and Global North conditioning

In my experience of yoga retreats, meditation retreats, whoo whoo doings (as my mother would say) - they are great on experiences and terrible when it comes to starting on time, ending on time, sticking to a schedule.

I felt myself very confronted by this fact recently and I spent some time sitting with it.

Then I realized - of course meditators are terrible at time - time only exists in the world of the ego.

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Give World Peace a Hop

Give World Peace a Hop

I started practicing Transcendental Meditation in 2007. Over the years I have more or less consistent in my twice a day practice depending on hospital doings and the age of my children.

When I received my mantra I also learned about the TM-Sidhi program. It is the pinnacle of a series of advanced TM techniques - culminating in the practitioners being able to do yogic flying. A whole group of Sidhas flying together has been proved to increase coherence for the society at large.* This coherence creating effect is called the Maharishi Effect.

So it is a two-fer. I get to replug myself daily, swim in the world of Pure Consciousness, and do yogic flying. Secondly, if I do my program with a group - we are creating peace for everyone around us.

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